Friday, June 15, 2007

Finally got the site updated to DNN 4.5.3

I've had the site turned off for sometime now.  I just redirected requests for to  However, I've been interested lately in putting up some new content so I decided to reactivate the site and thought it would be a good idea to move to the latest version of DotNetNuke.

Well, the first attempt left the side disabled giving some error in the version 4.4 db script about an integer value.  I was  unable to find the error in the log so I'm not sure what the problem was.  So, from there I manually deleted all the database tables and procedures and attempted to setup the "New Install" package of DNN.  Same problem.  Frustrated and wondering if Community Server would setup easier, I tried one last time.  This time I set the objectQualifer to 'dnn4_'.  This is the string that will be prefixed to all database objects.  And that was the magic that got  my site online.

The next step was to reenable my blog (which is powered by dasBlog and sits in a child web named 'blog') and a second child web that I built for my wife.  A few carefully added lines in the child web's web.config got that going.  I had to remove all the DNN namespaces, remove some httpModules, and remove some httpHandlers.  If anyone needs the specifics, I can email it to you.

Now all I need is some new content.....


  1. Hi Reggie,
    I seriously need this blog on my site...
    Ha ve any recommandations, tips to help me or maybe have you built a DNN module that you would sell ??? Please let me know..


  2. You're really build a blogger family . I'll be back soon looking for more news and info

  3. what a great blog, i like it. :)

  4. It is a great blog. I like it. Thanks for sharing

  5. I had to remove all the DNN namespaces, remove some httpModules, and remove some httpHandlers. If anyone needs the specifics, I can email it to you.

  6. I like your blog curently we are looking for a part time article writer would you be interested?
